FX-6000T™ Tension System
A computer-regulated bioreactor that uses vacuum pressure and positive air pressure to apply cyclic or static strain to cells cultured on flexible-bottomed culture plates.
Applies a defined, controlled, static or cyclic deformation to cells growing in 3D or monolayer
Allows users to simulate in vivo tissue strains and frequencies in vitro
State-of-the-art digital valve automatically regulates vacuum pressure and positive air pressure for specified strain regimen
Mimics in vivo conditions in cells from muscle, lung, heart, vascular vessels, skin, tendon, ligament, cartilage, and bone.
FlexSoft® FX-6000™ software allows for multiple frequency, amplitude and waveform changes to be programmed in one regimen
Compatible with Windows 10
Use Bioflex® culture plates with cylindrical loading posts to apply equibiaxial strain
Use Uniflex® culture plates with Arctangle® loading posts to apply uniaxial strain
Gradient strain or unconstrained distention achieved by removing loading stations
Drives up to 4 Flexlink® Controllers with 1 FX-6000T™ Tension System
Available waveforms: static, sinusoidal, heart stimulation, triangular, square and custom
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